Trump Organization sues Capital One bank over account closures after Jan. 6 Capitol riot |
マスコミが伝えないアジアンニュース |
On Capitol Hill, Democrats Panic About Biden but Do Nothing |
にゅうにゅう速報 |
He Said He Was Ashamed of Storming the Capitol. Now He’s Running for Office. |
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Pro-Palestinian protesters heckle Blinken as he testifies on Capitol Hill. |
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M.T.A. Worker and Wife Participated in Jan. 6 Capitol Riot, U.S. Says |
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Berkeley Schools Superintendent to Testify Today on Capitol Hill |
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Testimony Fleshes Out Account of Trump’s Demand to Go to Capitol on Jan. 6 |
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【Capitol】Travis Japan 海外ファンスレ |
なんでもかんでもまとめたぞ |
Two Capitol Riots. Two Very Different Results. |
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After the Capitol Attack, Companies Pledged to Rethink Political Giving. Did They? |
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Officer Who Defended Capitol on Jan. 6 to Run for Congress in Maryland |
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Florida Proud Boy Sentenced to 10 Years in Capitol Attack |
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Jan. 6 Rally Organizers Lied About Plan to March to the Capitol, Report Finds |
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Fight Club Erupts on Capitol Hill |
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About 300 protesters pleading for a cease-fire were arrested on Capitol Hill, organizers say. |
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From a Capitol Hill Basement, Bannon Stokes the Republican Party Meltdown |
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Top tech CEOs to discuss AI on Capitol Hill |
ç¥æµè¢ wiki ã¾ã¨ã |
【Capitol】Travis Japan 海外ファンスレ/まとめ |
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DeSantis Meets With Republicans on Capitol Hill, to a Lukewarm Response |
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Former Capitol Police Officer Sentenced After Aiding Jan. 6 Rioter |
にゃるこ通信 |
Protesters Call For Gun Reform At Tennessee State Capitol After Nashville Shooting |
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FBI Arrests ‘Sedition Panda’ Who Stormed Capitol On Jan. 6, 2021, In Costume |
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Capitol rioter who tweeted threat to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez sentenced to 38 months in prison | CNN Politics |
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Biden Removes the Top Capitol Facilities Official Amid Allegations of Wrongdoing |
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Alex Jones Is Holding Guns For Infowars Hosts Charged In Capitol Attack |
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George Santos Is Accused of Sexual Harassment in His Capitol Office |
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US Capitol Police ramp up security ahead of Biden’s State of the Union address | CNN Politics |
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Capitol Rioter Who Attacked Officer Brian Sicknick Sentenced To More Than 6 Years |
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Man who threatened to detonate bomb near US Capitol pleads guilty | CNN Politics |
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Smoke-Filled Rooms Back In Capitol Under Republicans |
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The attack on Brazil’s seat of government resembles the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. |
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Trump Potentially Returning To Facebook After Capitol Riot Support Spurred 2-Year Ban |
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Late Capitol Officer’s Fiancee Sues Donald Trump And 2 Convicted Rioters |
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Ex-Capitol Police Chief Faults Intelligence Officials and Military in Jan. 6 Attack |
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Ex-Capitol Police Chief Issues Chilling Warning: It’s ‘Only Going To Get Worse’ |
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Trump Called Supporters Storming Capitol ‘Trashy’ But Good ‘Fighters’: Jan. 6 Testimony |
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Trump White House spokeswoman learned mid-lunch about the Capitol riot, new transcript shows | CNN Politics |
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Jan. 6 Panel Issues Final Report, Placing Blame for Capitol Riot on ‘One Man’ |
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I Was Caught in the Capitol Riot, and I Still Feel the Pain of That Day |
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Congress Awards Highest Honor to Officers Who Protected the Capitol on Jan. 6 |
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Capitol Police Officer’s Suicide After Jan. 6 Qualifies for Line-of-Duty Death Benefit |
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Travis Japanが「Capitol Records」から全世界メジャーデビュー |
べビメタだらけの・・・ |
Trump White House Called Capitol Rioter on Jan. 6, Book Says |
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Banking C.E.O.s Face a Grilling on Capitol Hill |
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They Were at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Now They’re Running for Congress. |
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Reporter’s Pocket book: Reflections on Kaiser’s psychological well being remedy – Capitol Weekly | Capitol Weekly |
最速ニュース+ |
Capitol Police Chief Manger on 1st yr in cost: Enhancements made, challenges stay |
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Chopping Off Financing for the Subsequent Capitol Revolt |
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Bernie Sanders zapala nowy mem ze zdjęciem Capitol Hill Steps |
にゅうにゅうす -アニ萌え情報まとめブログ- |
Komisyonun 6 Ocak’taki açık oturumları 9 Haziran’da başlıyor. Capitol’de bir ayaklanmaya öncülük ederek 2020 cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerini çalarak demokrasiyi altüst etmeye çalışan Cumhuriyetçi hükümet yetkililerine karşı cezai suçlamaların geleceği umut ediliyor. Suçların kanıtı, demokrasiye yapılan kanlı saldırıdan bu yana alenen biliniyor ve şimdi duruşmalar, Donald Trump ve Kongre üyelerinin seçimleri çalmayı planlarken, üslerini galiplerin onu çaldığına inandırmak için aydınlattığının daha şok edici kanıtlarını vaat ediyor. Soruşturmanın bu kadar uzun sürmesi nedeniyle “büyük yalan” komplo teorisi Cumhuriyetçi Parti’yi ele geçirdi. |
サモンズ速報 |
Rachel Maddow Shreds Rep. Barry Loudermilk ve büyük Capitol turlarındaki hikayesi |
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GOP Rep. Barry Loudermilk: Capitol Ana Turu 5 Ocak 2021’de mi Yapıldı? Lordy, görünüşe göre kasetler var. |
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Trump ve Gateway Pundit, Capitol Rioters’ın İsa’ya “Kumbaya” sikişip şarkı söylediği videolarını bulacak |
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McConnell, Capitol ayaklanmasından sonra “mutluydu” |
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Çoğu Cumhuriyetçi, Capitol ayaklanmasının vatansever olduğunu düşünüyor |
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Trump’ın “emirlerini” söyleyen adam, onu Ocak ayında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Capitol’üne saldırmaya yöneltti. 6 suçlu bulundu |
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En Aptal Zaman Çizelgesi Güncellemesi: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jimmy Kimmel’in Şakasını Capitol Polisine Bildirdi |
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Trump, Capitol’e kiÅŸisel olarak ve WaPo röportajından 568.761 diÄŸer Bugf * ck alıntısına saldırmak istiyor |
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1/6 Komitesinin Kanıtları Olduğundan Oyunu Değiştirme Potansiyeli Capitol Saldırganlarının Trump Kampanyasıyla Temas Halinde Olduğu |
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Proud Boys lideri Tarrio, ABD Capitol ayaklanması suçlamalarını reddetti |
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Evan Neumann: Capitol isyanları için aranan ABD’li adam “Belarus’ta iltica hakkı tanındı” |
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Evan Neumann: ABD Capitol ayaklanması şüphesi Belarus’ta sığınma hakkı aldı |
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Capitol’deki ayaklanmanın duruşmaları nerede? |
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Capitol Police Board won’t give details on post-Jan. 6 security upgrades |
芸能情報ニュース |
Some Jan. 6 Capitol trials are on hold. Why? Too much evidence |
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Covid aid faces uncertain path on Capitol Hill as White House warns of severe consequences |
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Leader of Proud Boys extremist group arrested over Jan. 6 attack on US Capitol |
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First US Capitol riot trial: Defendant convicted on all counts | Courts News |
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Capitol Police issue emergency declaration over People’s Convoy — RT World News |
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Trump Never Intended to Join March to Capitol |
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Capitol Rioter, kışkırtıcı komplodan suçlu bulundu |
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Capitol Rioter Pleads Guilty to Seditious Conspiracy |
芸能情報ニュース |
Jen Psaki, ABD Capitol sonbahar maskesi görevinin Biden’ın yarınki SOTU konuşmasıyla bir ilgisi olduğunu reddetti – |
サモンズ速報 |
Jen Psaki denies US Capitol dropping mask mandate has something to do with Biden’s SOTU speech tomorrow – |
芸能情報ニュース |
Trump, Capitol ayaklanması sırasında Sean Hannity tarafından ekibine gönderilen umutsuz kısa mesajlar hakkında hiçbir şey bilmediğini iddia ediyor. |
サモンズ速報 |