#The White House

The White House Has That Sinking Feeling (Thanks to an Artist) にゅうにゅう速報
The White House May Condemn Musk, but the Government Is Addicted to Him にゅうにゅう速報
The White House did not divulge any estimate of Ukraine’s losses. にゅうにゅう速報
The White House Just Approved $200 Million Worth of Weapons for Ukraine – Mother Jones 芸能情報ニュース
The White House graciously sets out to enlighten us ignorant rubes with a lengthy explainer on ‘Putin’s price hike’ – twitchy.com 芸能情報ニュース
A Pro-Putin Trucker Convey Is Heading For The White House 芸能情報ニュース
The White House says it’s considering a range of options for Russian oil imports : NPR 芸能情報ニュース
Flushing White House Records Down The Toilet Is An Act Only A Ridiculous, Corrupt President Like Trump Would Do. Proof Has Also Been Found Proving Trump Violated The Presidential Records Act By Destroying Briefings, Schedules, Articles, Letters, And Memos Both Sensitive and Mundane ( Washington Post, Feb. 5, 2022). He Was Also Found To Have Taken 15 Boxes Of Records From The White House To Mar-a- Lago, Some Of Which Contained Classified Information. Additionally, On Trump’s Behalf, Rudy Giuliani Tried To Confiscate The Voting Machines In Michigan And The Fake Elector Scheme Rounds Out The Trifecta Of Corruption. 芸能情報ニュース
The White House Is Mulling a New Pandemic Strategy 芸能情報ニュース
Democrats And Republicans Who Wonder Whether Donald Trump Is A Russian Sympathizer Or Russian Spy, Have Their Answer Now. Trump Praised Putin’s Plans To Attack The Independent, Democratic Country Of Ukraine, Calling Him “Smart And Savvy”. He Showed Praise Of His Use Of Lies And Propaganda To Justify Invading Ukraine And Murdering Innocent Citizens. Donald Trump Befriends Murderous Dictators And Admires Their Pursuit Of Destroying Democracies. Anyone Supporting Trump’s Ambition To Be President Again Should Envision Putin Spending Nights In The White House Instructing Trump How To Take Away The Individual Freedoms Embedded In Our Constitution. Autocrats Don’t Like Guns. 芸能情報ニュース
Tribute To Burt Bacharach At The White House Stevie Wonder~Diana Krall~Sheryl Crowe ポケモンGOまとめっちゅー
【ストV】ホワイトハウスのゲーム配信イベント「The White House Competitive Gaming Event」でJustinWong、SnakeEyez、MikeRoss、Gootecksが出演 キタコレ(゚∀゚)!!
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